👉 Relevant links: 🔵 John Bumstead tweet thread: https://twitter.com/RDKLInc/status/1615418474368536609 https://twitter.com/RDKLInc/status/1617207188790837254 🔵 Amazon works w/ Apple to destroy refurbished marketplace: https://youtu.be/ZpnQut4VecU 🔵 eBay follows Amazon's lead in destroying refurbished marketplace: https://youtu.be/qzUXmeaZsIQ 🔵 Apple restricts Renesas/Intersil from selling charging ICs: https://www.facebook.com/RenesasElectronics/posts/can-you-make-the-isl9240-available-for-purchase/630591584068516/ 🔵 Working Macbook becomes paperweight because of chip inavailability: https://youtu.be/HJ2jyo7pAmE 🔵 Ethical vs. unethical unlocking: https://youtu.be/CplNTE8yL8Q 🔵 Apple doesn't care about stolen devices: https://youtu.be/UvvoGTvuTmA 👉 Rossmann chat: https://matrix.to/#/#rossmannrepair:matrix.org 👉 Equipment used: 🔵 Chair: https://amzn.to/3MjLrnT 🔵 Microphone: https://amzn.to/3g1hsok 🔵 Mic stand: https://amzn.to/3Vg47ZI 🔵 Audio interface: https://amzn.to/3VuKihx 🔵 Camera: https://amzn.to/3CTk1Av 🔵 Lighting: https://amzn.to/3RSriGC 👉 Stream FAQ: https://store.rossmanngroup.com/faq.txt 👉 Affiliate: › Buying on eBay? Support us while you shop! https://www.rossmanngroup.com/ebay › Rossmann Repair Group Inc is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com 👉 Leave a tip for us via cryptocurrency if we've helped you out: › Credit card: http://bit.ly/postamessage › Bitcoin: 1EaEv8DBeFfg6fE6BimEmvEFbYLkhpcvhj › Bitcoin Cash: qzwtptwa8h0wjjawr5fsm0ku8kf40amgqgm6lx4jxh › Dash: XwQpZuvMvU44JT7C7Uh6xHvkSadzJw9fMN › Dogecoin: DKetsoCvwa2hF29ssgUA4Wz4hxT4kj3KLU › Ethereum: 0x6f6870feb48f08388ee345cf0261e2f03d2fa310 › Ethereum classic: 0x671bfd61ba87edf6365c97cea33d66ba73645510 › Litecoin: LWnbTTAjojZQt68ihFJFgQq3cYHUsTcyd7 › Verge: DFumZ5sMhi3JktLQpsTVtV9xUt3zKDrcZV › Zcash: t1Ko3FkphQYoQroQc8k2DVk4WKMAbmNR8PH › Zcoin: a8QdvArHmdRYe1MjiqtP6jDNe6Z4JgnRKZ 00:00 - Introduction 00:20 - eBay & Amazon making it difficult to sell new products 00:51 - Activation locked devices stuck in recyclers 02:47 - Is activation lock about preventing theft? 03:39 - A sensible system to prevent ewaste while stopping theft 04:01 - How we handled EFI unlocks 05:16 - Apple humor 05:40 - There should be a better method to unlock devices that were not stolen 06:58 - Recyclers should NOT be shredding the entire board due to fear of liability. 07:20 - Our industry relies on donor boards 07:46 - WHY our industry relies on donor boards 08:20 - Every one of Apple's policies regarding safety & security also happen to cut against the 2nd hand market and repairability 09:05 - Bad people exist. Don't create piles of garbage in response. 10:05 - Potshot at NY governor 10:15 - Donor parts are being destroyed along with the 2nd hand market 10:35 - Anger at greenwashing 11:15 - How Apple dealt with an actual theft case - no regard for the user 12:19 - Cat problem